Regularly taught classes


Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), Basel, Switzerland:

As part of the General Tropical Course/ATK one lecture ‘Introduction into Medical Anthropology’ is taught every winter semester since 1998 (contact: Dr. Piet van Eeuwijk,


Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Freie Universität Berlin:

The Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology at Freie Universität Berlin is offering an MA degree program ‘Social and Cultural Anthropology’ that provides students with the option to choose Medical Anthropology as a focus area. The focus area of Medical Anthropology includes a ‘profile’ titled ‘Medicine and Healing’, which consists of two obligatory courses:

  • Theories in Medical Anthropology
  • Illness and Healing in the global context

More information on the MA Program and the Research Area Medical Anthropology at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, FU Berlin, is available here. Contact: Angelika Wolf, MA (angewolf[at]


Institute for Social Anthropology, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster:

1. Seminar: Transcultural Psychiatry

2. Projektseminar: Trans/cultural Psychiatry: Interdisciplinary Research Areas, Method & Project Design in Medical Anthropology

Both classes are open to students of the BA programme Kultur- & Sozialanthropologie and to students of the MA programme Social Anthropology. Both classes follow an interdisciplinary approach: local phenomena of ‚abnormal‘ or ‚deviant‘ behaviour are looked upon and discussed from a social anthropological and a(n ethno)psychiatric perspective. The classes are taught via co-teaching by a social anthropologist and a psychiatrist. Language of instruction is German. Contact: Prof. Dr. Helene Basu (hbasu_01[at], Annika Strauss, MA (annika.strauss[at]


Institute for Social Anthropology, University of Zurich:

3-semester Medical Anthropology cycle since 1997, consisting of the following units taught by Dr. Piet van Eeuwijk (peter.vaneeuwijk[at]

  • Medizinethnologie I: Introduction (Lecture)
    so far SS 2007, WS 2005/06, SS 2004, WS 2002/03, SS 1999
  • Medizinethnologie II: Continuation (Proseminar)
    so far HS 2007, SS 2006, WS 2004/05, SS 2003, WS 1999/00
  • Medizinethnologie III: Applied Medical Anthropology (Problem Oriented Training)
    so far WS 2006/07, SS 2005, WS 2003/04, WS 2001/02, SS 2000, WS 1998/99