Mattes, Dominik & Hansjörg Dilger (eds.). 2018. Im/Mobilities and Dis/Connectivities in Medical Globalization: How Global is Global Health?, Special Issue, Global Public Health 13(3).
Menzfeld, Mira. 2018. Anthropology of Dying. A Participant Observation with Dying Persons in Germany. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Pauli, Julia & R. van Dijk (eds.). 2016. Change and Continuity in Southern African Marriages. Special Issue, Anthropology Southern Africa 39 & 40.
Hansjörg Dilger, Susann Huschke & Dominik Mattes (eds.). 2015. Ethics, Epistemology, and Engagement: Encountering Values in Medical Anthropology. Special Issue, Medical Anthropology 34(3).
Falge, Christiane. 2015. The Global Nuer. Transnational Life-Worlds, Religious Movements and War. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe.
Keck, Verena & Dominik Schieder. 2015. Contradictions and Complexities – Current Perspectives on Pacific Islander Mobilities. Special Issue, Anthropological Forum 25(2).
Kroeker, Lena. 2015. In between Life and Death – Decision-Making of HIV+ Mothers in Lesotho. Münster: LIT.
Strauss, Annika & Marion Linska (eds.). 2015. Selbstreflexion im Kontext medizinethnologischer Langzeitfeldforschung/Self-reflection in the Context of Long-term Field Research in Medical Anthropology. Special Issue, Curare 38 (1+2).
Schrempf, Mona & Nicola Schneider (eds.). 2015. Women as Visionaries, Healers and Agents of Social Transformation in the Himalayas, Tibet, and Mongolia. Special Issue, Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines 34 (open access, online).
Beckmann, Nadine, Catrine Christiansen & Alessandro Gusman. 2014. Strings Attached: AIDS and the Rise of Transnational Connections in Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Rijk van Dijk, Hansjörg Dilger, Marian Burchardt & Thera Rasing (eds.). 2014. Religion and AIDS Treatment in Africa: Saving Souls, Prolonging Lives. London: Ashgate.
Kastner, Kristin. 2014. Zwischen Suffering und Styling. Die lange Reise nigerianischer Migrantinnen nach Europa. Münster: LIT.
Menzfeld, Mira, Sabine Damir-Geilsdorf & Michaela Pelican (eds.). 2014. Islam und Sport: Einblicke in das interdisziplinäre Forschungs- und Lehrprojekt ‚Ethnographie vor der Haustür‘ der Universität zu Köln. Kölner Arbeitspapiere zur Ethnologie, Vol. 5. Köln: Institut für Ethnologie, Universität zu Köln.
Caroline Meier zu Biesen. 2013. Globale Epidemien – lokale Antworten. Eine Ethnographie der Heilpflanze Artemisia annua in Tansania. Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag.
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Redder Angelika, Julia Pauli, Ronald Kießling, Kristin Bührig, Bernhard Brehmer, Ingrid Breckner & Jannis Androutsopoulos. 2013. Mehrsprachige Kommunikation in der Stadt. Das Beispiel Hamburg. Münster: Waxmann.
Hansjörg Dilger, Abdoulaye Kane & Stacey Langwick (eds.). 2012. Medicine, Mobility, and Power in Global Africa: Transnational Health and Healing. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Falge, Christiane, Carlo Ruzza & Oliver Schmidtke. 2012. Migrants and Health: Political and Institutional Responses to Cultural Diversity in Health Systems. Farnham: Ashgate.
Hülshoff, Thomas. 2012. Emotionen. Eine Einführung für beratende, therapeutische, pädagogische und soziale Berufe. Reinhardt, München, Basel: UTB.
Kastner, Kristin & Hans Peter Hahn (eds.). 2012. Urban Life-Worlds in Motion. African Perspectives. Bielefeld: transcript.
Menzfeld, Mira. 2012. Pilgerreisen und Communitas nach V.W.Turner. München: GRIN.