Gerrets, Rene


Rene Gerrets is postdoctoral researcher in the department of Sociology and Anthropology at the University of Amsterdam. His current research explores the material and immaterial traces of a colonial-era biomedical research institution in NE Tanzania. His new project investigates the role of indicators as tools of global health governance.


Research Interests

Malaria; biomedicine and governance; public-private partnerships; memory and biomedical research; measuring and commensurability making; East African societies and cultures


Research Area(s)

Tanzania; Kenya



Monographs and Edited Volumes

2010. ‘Globalizing International Health: The cultural politics of “partnership” in Tanzanian malaria control’. PhD Dissertation, New York University, New York. Available through Proquest/UMI dissertation data base:

Journal Articles (peer-reviewed)

2008. (Rottenburg R., Gerrets R.) Report on the current research programme ‘Biomedicine in Africa’. In: RECIIS: Electronic Journal of Communication Information & Innovation in Health 2(1): 67-72.

2008. (Khatib RA, Killeen GF, Abdulla SM, Kahigwa E, McElroy PD, Gerrets R, et al.) ‘Markets, voucher subsidies and free nets combine to achieve high bed net coverage in rural Tanzania’. In: Malaria Journal 7: 98.

Chapters in Edited Books

2012. ‘Governing Malaria: How an old scourge troubles precepts in social theory’. In: Geissler, PW.; Rottenburg, R. and J. Zenker (eds): Rethinking Biomedicine and Governance in Africa: Contributions form Anthropology. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.