Stöckigt, Barbara


Barbara Stöckigt studied human medicine between 1991 and 1997 in Heidelberg and Berlin. Between 2001 and 2003 she worked as a medical doctor in a psychiatric hospital in Berlin. One of her interests is the extent of human consciousness, where it can lead to and how to deal with it. Travels to other continents and getting to know various cultures built up her interest in healing systems worldwide and therefore into medical anthropology. In her doctorate between 2005 and 2009 she combined these interests in the field of transcultural psychiatry leading her in her research to East Africa. Her thesis was upon “Spiritual Healing Concepts of Psychosis in East-Africa – a qualitative study”. Since 2010 she is working as a scientist and lecturer in the Institute for Social Medicine, Epidemiology and Health Economics, Project Division Complementary Medicine, at the Charité – Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany. Since 2013 she is also a Shiatsu therapist.


Research Interests

Transkulturelle Psychiatrie; Complementary and Integrative Medicine (CIM); spiritual healing; healing systems; consciousness research


Research Area(s)

Germany; East Africa



Monographs and Edited Volumes

Stöckigt B (2011). Begeisterte Welten. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang Verlag.

Journal Articles

Kiepe MS, Stöckigt B, Keil T (2012). Effects of dance therapy and ballroom dances on physical and mental illnesses: A systematic review. In: The Arts in Psychotherapy, Vol. 39 (5): 404-411.

Stöckigt B, Teut M and Witt CM (2013). CAM Use and Suggestions for Medical Care of Senior Citizens: A Qualitative Study Using the World Café Method. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Vol. 2013, Article ID 951245, 8 pages doi:10.1155/2013/951245.

Teut M, Stöckigt B, Holmberg C, Besch F, Witt C, Jeserich F (2014). Perceived outcomes of spiritual healing and explanations – a qualitative study on the perspectives of German healers and their clients. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 14:240. DOI: 10.1186/1472-6882-14-240.

Stöckigt BMH, Besch F, Jeserich F, Holmberg C, Witt CM, Teut M (2015). Healing Relationships: A Qualitative Study of Healers and Their Clients in Germany. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol. 2015, Article ID 145154, 8 pages DOI:10.1155/2015/145154.

Stöckigt BMH, Besch F, Jeserich F, Holmberg C, Witt CM, Teut M (2015): Biographical similarities between spiritual healers and their clients in Germany – a qualitative study. Anthropology & Medicine, DOI:10.1080/13648470.2015.1050578

Chapters in Edited Books

Stöckigt B (2011). Behandlungsmethoden traditioneller Heiler in Ostafrika. In: Machleidt W, Heinz A (Hrsg.) Praxis der interkulturellen Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie. München: Urban&Fischer.

Stöckigt B (2014). Spirit Possession in East Africa. In: Hunter, J, Luke, D (Hrsg.) Talking with the Spirits.Brisbane, Australia: Daily Grail Publishing.

Jeserich F, Besch F, Holmberg C, Stöckigt B, Teut M. (2015). Radikale Körper-Empathie spiritueller Heiler und somatische Gegenübertragungen im Heilritual: Ein Beispiel für das methodologische Spiel mit psychoanalytischen Konzepten in der Religionswissenschaft. In: Klinkhammer G, Tolksdorf E (Hg.). Somatisierung des Religiösen. Empirische Studien zum rezenten religiösen Heilungs- und Therapiemarkt. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Religionswissenschaft und -pädagogik: Band 7). Bremen: Universität Bremen:
Open Access:


Conference Presentations (since 2007)

2009. DGPPN, Berlin
Vortrag: „Spirituelle Behandlung in Kenia am Beispiel der Swahili und Mijikenda“

2010. Studentenfortbildung Ethnomed e.V., München. Workshop: „Spirituelle Heilmethoden in Ostafrika“

2011. III Encuentro Internacional de Culturas Andinas, Pasto, Kolumbien
Vortrag: „Métodos de curación espiritual de sicosis en África Oriental/Spiritual Healing Methods of Psychosis in East-Africa”

2011. Fachschaftstagung Psychologie „Religion und Wahn“, Ebermannstadt
Workshop: „Transkulturelle Psychiatrie: Psychosen aus Sicht spiritueller Heiler Ostafrikas“

2012. WACP, 3rd World Congress of Cultural Psychiatry”, London
Vortrag: “Healing in Altered States of Consciousness“

2012. Summer School Global Health, Berlin
Workshop: “The Culture of Eating”

2012. ECIM (European Congress of Integrative Medicine), Florenz
Vortrag: „World Café – medical care – what do senior citizens wish for?”

2012. 18. Horspielforum NRW “Wieder Hol es”, Köln
Referat: „Wieder Holungen im traditionellen Heilritual Afrikas“

2013. Studentenfortbildung Ethnomed e.V., München
Workshop: „Persönliche Begegnungen mit spirituelle Heilern in Ostafrika“

2014. EASA, European Association of Social Anthropologists 13th Biennial Conference, Tallin
Vortrag: “Madness in East Africa: narratives of spiritual healers in Kenya”

2015. “Gesund pflegen – natürlich geht das”, ZQP, Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, Berlin
Vortrag: „Bedeutung von Berührung in der Pflege und Behandlung“

2015. ECIM – Global Summit on Integrative Medicine & Healthcare, Helsingor
Vortrag: “Healing relationships – A Qualitative Study”

2015. “Schmerzmanagement in der diakonischen Pflege”, Fachtagung der Diakonie Deutschland, Berlin
Vortrag: “Berührung und Schmerz – Komplementäre Methoden in der Schmerztherapie“

2016. EASA, European Association of Social Anthropologists 14th Biennial Conference, Milano
Vortrag: “Biographical Aspects for becoming a Spiritual Healer in Germany”

2016. pflegekongress16, “Pflegewert: Wert(e) der Pflege?”, Wien
Vortrag: „Berührung und Schmerz – komplementäre Methoden in der Pflege“

2016. 19. Berliner Hospizwoche, Berlin
Vortrag: „Berührung“

2017. WCIMH 2017, World Congress Intergrative Medicine &Health, Berlin
Poster: “Intentional touch for elderly people with chronic pain – a qualitative study.”