Buhl, Andrea


Andrea Buhl is a PhD student at the Institute of Social Anthropology Switzerland and part of the Medical Anthropology Research Group (MARG). Since 2012 she is working on her PhD project ‘Palliative Care for Cancer Patients in Tanzania’, supervised since 2013 by Prof. Brigit Obrist. Her PhD research project is based in a Tanzanian cancer hospital and focuses on the provision of palliative care for end-stage cancer patients within the hospital and urban homes. The study aims to explore the roles of different actors within the hospital setting and beyond, and how patients and their relatives experience the situation of an advanced cancer disease.

Andrea studied Social and Cultural Anthropology, Intercultural Communication and Sociology (M.A., 2007-2012) at Ludwig-Maximilians University (LMU) in Munich, Germany. For her M.A. (Magister Artium) thesis in Social and Cultural Anthropology Andrea was conducting a qualitative research in Ethiopia about transcultural encounters of medical students within a German-Ethiopian University exchange program. Andrea started her PhD at the Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology at LMU Munich, Germany, and was attached to the Interdisciplinary Centre for Palliative Care. She participated in the PhD-program “International Health” at the Center for International Health at LMU as external candidate (2013).


Research Interests

Care; Chronic disease; Non-communicable diseases; Palliative care; STS


Research Area(s)

East Africa (Tanzania, Ethiopia); South Africa



Journal Articles
(Under review). Objectifying Care – Using Morphine as Care Tool. In: Journal of Material Culture

2017. Cancer, Care and Hope – A Hospital Ethnography on Palliative Care in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In: Blog Medizinethnologie, 29.05.2017.

Conference Presentations

2013. ‘In between medical sciences. Finding a way of medical anthropology research in palliative care in Tanzania’. MAYS Meeting ‘Impediments and Catalysts’ 10.06.2013 in Tarragona, Spain.

2013. ‘Asking questions with no answers’. SMA/EASA/URV Medical Anthropology Conference ‘Encounters and engagements’ 13.06.2013 in Tarragona, Spain.