Zimmering, Rebecca



July 2016: Master of Public Health
2013 – 2016: Studies of Public Health at the Berlin School of Public Health
February 2011: M.A. in Social Anthropology and Political Science.
2007 – 2011: Studies of Social Anthropology and Political Science at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg.
2004 – 2007: Studies of Social Anthropology and Political Science, Physical Anthropology and classical archaeology at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg.


Research Interests

Medical Anthropology at home; transcultural competence in the public health and social services; public health; organ donation; kinship and social organization


Research Area(s)

Germany; Switzerland



Journal Articles

2013. “The Term “Culture” in Theory and in Practice: Transcultural Competence in the German and Swiss Public Health Service”. In: Curare 36 4, S.262-271. Zeitschrift für Ethnomedizin und transkulturelle Psychiatrie.


Conference Presentations

2011. ‘The term “culture” in theory and in practice: Transcultural Competence in the public health service. An anthropological viewpoint’. 34. Congress of the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde from the 14. until the 17. September 2011 at Wien.

2011. ‘Transcultural Competence in public health service’. 20. Symposium on psychosocial counselling of children and adolescents with chronic kidney failure from the 16. until the 18. June 2011 at Hamburg.

2010. Working Title: ‘Training courses in Transcultural Competence for health care staff In Germany and Switzerland. An anthropological viewpoint’. Presentation of my Master thesis project at a workshop of the Working Group Medical Anthropology of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde from the 19. Until the 20. June 2010 at Berlin.