Büchi, Silvia


MA in Anthropology, Romance Linguistics and History at the University of Zurich. Co-director of a cantonal refugee service in Switzerland (1996-2000).
Graduate School in Gender Studies at the University of Berne (2002-2005)
PhD student in Epidemiology at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute of Basel: ‘Staying healthy in migration. Health experiences, health promotion and prevention in Switzerland in the context of transnational migration’.
Since 2007 collaborator in evaluations in the field of education and integration and since 2011 lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) in continuing education on Migration, Health, Illness, and Disability
From 2008 – 2011 researcher at Swisscom (Switzerland) Ltd in projects on privat persons’ daily usage of information and communication technologies and in 2012 deputy integration officer in a Swiss town.


Research Interests

Transnational migration and health; vulnerability and resilience; gender; disability; usage of ICT


Research Area(s)

West Africa (Burkina Faso); Europe (France, Switzerland)



Monographs and Edited Volumes

1997. (with Christian Erni, Luzia Jurt, Christoph Rüegg) ‘Indigenous Peoples, Environment and Development’. International Workgroup for Indigenous Affairs and Department of Social Anthropology of Zurich. IWGIA-Document No. 85.

Journal Articles (peer-reviewed)

2008. (with Brigit Obrist) ‘Stress as an idiom for resilience: health and migration among Sub-Saharan Africans in Switzerland’. In: Anthropology & Medicine, 15:3: 251-261.

2008. ‘Religion, eine Gesundheitsressource in der Migration?’ In: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Religions- und Kulturgeschichte 102 (2008): 261-286.

Chapters in Edited Books

2013 in press. (with Martina Koch) ‘Stress mit der Gesundheit. Gesundsein in der Migration zwischen gesellschaftlich verlangter und verunmöglichter Gesundheit’. In: Passagen (Hrsg.): Vielfältig alltäglich: Migration und Geschlecht in der Schweiz. Zürich: Seismo.

2006. (with Brigit Obrist van Eeuwijk) ‘Gesundsein in der Migration’. In: Forschung Migration und Gesundheit. Im Rahmen der Bundesstrategie ‘Migration und Gesundheit 2002 – 2007’. Bern: Bundesamt für Gesundheit.


2006. (with Brigit Obrist) ‘Gesundsein in der Migration’. Forschungs-Schlussbericht zuhanden des Bundesamtes für Gesundheit. Projekt 03.001545/2.24.02-232.