Strahl, Hilde


1990-1995: University Freiburg/Germany and Basel/Switzerland: Study in social anthropology and geography; Magister Artium (MA) in Social Anthropology (Thesis: ‘HIV/AIDS in Uganda’)
1999-2006: University Freiburg/Germany and Basel/Switzerland: PhD in Social Anthropology (Thesis: ‘Pressure of Life – Pressure of Blood. Local illness experiences related to hypertension in a lower middle class society of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania’)


Research Interests

Urban health; health transition; chronic diseases


Research Area(s)

East Africa (Uganda, Tanzania)



Monographs and Edited Volumes

2006. ‘Pressure of Life – Pressure of Blood. Local Illness Experiences Related to Hypertension in a Lower Middle Class Society of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania’. Herbolzheim: Centaurus Verlag.

Chapters in Edited Books

1996. ‘Das Geschlechterverhältnis als soziokultureller Faktor der HIV/AIDS – Pandemie in Buganda/Uganda’. In: Wolf, Angelika and Michael Stürzer (eds.): Die gesellschaftliche Konstruktion von Befindlichkeit. Ein Sammelband zur Medizinethnologie. pp. 171-187. Berlin: VWB-Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung.

Journal Articles

2003. ‘Cultural interpretations of an emerging health problem. Blood pressure in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania’. In: Anthropology & Medicine 10 (3): 309-324. 

2002. ‘The cultural construction of BP (blood pressure) in the urban context of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania’. In: Urban Health and Development Bulletin 5 (3 & 4): 19-24.


Conference Presentations

2006. ‘Pressure of Life – Pressure of Blood. Local Illness Experiences related to Hypertension in a Lower Middle Class Society of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania’. Presentation hold on 09.02.2006 in Basel (Colloquium of European Social Anthropology).