Brandner, Susanne


Master of Arts 2002 (major: social anthropology; minors: political science and African
studies), Universities of Goettingen and Cologne. 2002-2008 Medical school,
University of Cologne (MD 2008). 5-years of working experience in an oncological outpatient clinic (2003-2008). 2010 Doctor of medical science (University of Muenster), Ph.D. thesis on pregnancy-associated risk perceptions and preventive behaviour in Cambodia. 2009-2011 resident physician at the Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Krankenhaus Dueren. 2011-2014 research fellow at the Berlin School of Public Health, Charité Berlin; research project: „Illness experiences of ovarian cancer patients“ funded by the German Research Foundation. Since 08/2014 continuing occupation as resident physician at the Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Krankenhaus Dueren.


Research Interests

Cancer, especially gynaecological cancers; reproductive health; infectious diseases; illness experiences and illness perceptions; critical medical anthropology


Research Area(s)

Cambodia; Germany



Journal Articles

2014 (together with Müller-Nordhorn, J., Stritter, W., Fotopoulou, C., Sehouli, J. and Holmberg, C.) “Symptomization and triggering processes: Ovarian cancer patients’ narratives on pre-diagnostic sensation experiences and the initiation of healthcare seeking.” Social Science & Medicine, 119: 123–130.

2012. ‘“The duty to stay well” – Gesundheitsrisiken und maternale Selbstverantwortung in der Schwangerschaft. Stimmen aus Phnom Penh, Kambodscha’. In: Ethnoscripts, 14 (2): 35-58.

2007. (together with Julia Pauli) ‘Meine Mutter ist eigentlich ausschlaggebend. Eine qualitative Untersuchung der sozialen Dimensionen elterlicher Impfentscheidungen’. Deutsche Hebammen Zeitschrift 11/2007: 20-22.

Chapters in Edited Books

2009. (with Julia Pauli) ‘Wem glauben? Eine explorative Studie zu Impfentscheidungen von Kölner Eltern zwischen Internet, ärztlicher Autorität und verwandtschaftlichem Vertrauen’. In: Dilger, Hansjörg und Bernhard Hadolt (eds.): Medizin im Kontext: Krankheit und Gesundheit in einer vernetzten Welt. pp. 73-93. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang Verlag.


2010. ‘“All women want to be healthy”. Risikovorstellungen, gesundheitsförderliches und präventives Verhalten von Frauen in der Schwangerschaft. Eine qualitative Studie in Phnom Penh, Kambodscha’. Inauguraldissertation. Medizinische Fakultät der Universität Münster.


Conference Presentations

2013 „Symptomisierungsprozesse und Diagnoseverzögerungen beim Ovarialkarzinom: Die Sicht der Betroffenen.“ Paper presented at the 12. Kongress für Versorgungsforschung. Berlin.

2013 „Krankheitserfahrungen und Krankheitsvorstellungen von Ovarialkarzinom-Betroffenen.“ Paper presented at the Centrumstag des Charité Centrum 1 für Human- und Gesundheitswissenschaften. Berlin.

2013. ‘“The duty to stay well” – Maternal responsibility in pregnancy. Views from Phnom Penh, Cambodia’. Paper  presented at the 7th conference of the European Society for East Asian Studies. School of Social and Political Sciences of the Technical University of Lisboa (ISCSP/UTL), Lissabon, Portugal. 3rd July 2013.

2013 „Not pleased to meet you. Narratives on ovarian cancer ‚symptoms‘“. Paper tob e presented at the conference „Encounters and engagements: creating new agendas for medical anthropology. Paper presented at the Joint international conference of the EASA Medical Anthropology Network and AAA Society of Medical Anthropology. Facultat de Lletres, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain. 13th June 2013.

2013. ‘Symptomisierungsprozesse. Erfahrungen von Eierstockkrebs-Betroffenen’. Paper presented at the Institute of Social Anthropology, University of Hamburg, Germany. 18th April 2013

2012 ‘Beyond me and myself – Reflections on the early stage of a research project on ovarian cancer patients’. Paper presented at the conference ‘Beyond them and us – Social Sciences in Public Health’. University of Cambridge, England. 18th September 2012.

2007. ‘Wem glauben? Impfentscheidungen von Eltern zwischen Internet, Verwandten und Kinderarzt’. Paper presented with Prof. Dr. Julia Pauli at the conference ‘Medizin im Kontext. Krankheit und Gesundheit in einer vernetzten Welt’. Tagung anlässlich des 10-jährigen Bestehens der AG Medical Anthropology in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde. Berlin. 28th September 2007.

2007. ‘Pregnancy associated risk perceptions and self-care practices in Phnom Penh, Cambodia’. Paper presented at the Workshop ‘Research Projects in Cambodia. Dissemination Workshop organized by GTZ and WHO’. Phnom Penh, Cambodia. 12th April 2007.