Kurz, Helmar


– Since 2017: Programme Coordinator for the Master Programme „Social Anthropology“ at the Institute for Social Anthropology / WWU Münster

– 2016: NRW-Certificate „Professional University Teaching Competences““

– 2015 – 2017: Field Research in Brazil (Marília, Itabuna) und Germany (Munich) on Spiritism and Mental Health

– Since 2015: Research Fellow within the externally funded project „Diversification of Mental Health – Therapeutic Spaces of Brazilian Spiritism (German Research Foundation DFG)

– 2014 – 2015: Lecturer at the Institute for Social Anthropology / WWU Münster

– 2013 – 2014: Research Assistant at the Institute for Social Anthropology / WWU Münster

– 2011 – 2012: Exploration in Brasilien zu Spiritismus und Mental Health

– 2010 – 2013: Lecturer at the Institute for Social Anthropology / WWU Münster

– Since 2010: PHD Programme of Social Antropology and Religious Studies / WWU Münster

– 2009: Magister Artium (Thesis „Performanz und Modernität: Eine Studie des brasilianischen Candomblé)

– 2006 – 2007: Field Research in Brazil (Bahia) on Candomblé

– 2003 – 2009: Master Programme Social Anthropology, Religious Studies, Prehistoric Archeology / WWU Münster


Research Interests

Mental Health; Trans/Cultural Psychiatry; Spiritism; Ritual Theory; Interpretative & Critical Medical anthropology; Anthropology of the Senses


Research Area(s)

South America (Brazil); Europe (Germany)



Monographs and Edited Volumes

2013. „Performanz und Modernität im brasilianischen Candomblé: Eine Interpretation“. Hamburg: Kovac.

Journal Articles(peer-reviewed)

2015. „‘Depression is not a Disease. It is a Spiritual Problem.‘ – Performance and Hybridization of Religion and Science within Brazilian Spiritist Healing Practices”. In: Curare 38(3): 173-191.

Other/ Reviews

2015. „Julia Thiesbonenkamp-Maag 2014. ‚Wie eine Quelle in der Wüste‘: Fürsorge und Selbstsorge bei der philippinisch-charismatischen Gruppe El-Shaddai in Frankfurt. Berlin: Reimer, 285 S.“. In: Curare 38(4): 303-307.

2014. „Wielant Machleidt 2013. Migration, Kultur und psychische Gesundheit. Dem Fremden begegnen. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 117 S.“. In: Curare 37(4): 335-340.

2014. „Godula Kosack 2012. Magie – Die Kraft zum Schaden oder zum Guten. Bad Schussenried: Gerhard Hess Verlag, 389 S.“. In: Curare 37(1): 77-78.


Conference Presentations (since 2007)

2017. „Healing Cooperations of Spiritism, Biomedicine & Psychiatry in Brazil: A Model for Complementary Medicine in Europe / Germany?“. 30th Annual Conference of AGEM c/o Media of Cooperation: “Healing Cooperations. Cooperation with and without consensus in the Context of Illness and Healing”. Siegen: 30.06.2017.

2017. “Spiritistische Institutionen in Deutschland als Orte des Wohlfühlens und der Begegnung brasilianischer Migranten und Einheimischer“. Workshop der AG Medical Anthropology (DGV): „Social Anthropology of ‘Well-Being’ – Prekäres Leben: Krieg, Flucht, Migration”. Münster: 05.05.2017.

2016. “Ästhetik des Heilens am Beispiel des Kardecismus in Brasilien”. 29. Fachkonferenz Ethnomedizin / AGEM: „Medizinethnologie 2016: The State oft the Art“. Heidelberg: 18.06.2016.

2016. „‘Ist die Medizin noch ganz bei Sinnen?‘ Diskussion medizinethnologischer Ansätze am Beispiel des brasilianischen Spiritismus“. dgv-Studierendentagung 2016: „Konventionsbrüche“. Göttingen: 15.05.2016.

2016. „Performative Hybridization of Religion and Science in Brazilian Spiritist Healing Practices“. 10th Anniversary of the ISSRNC: “Religion, Science and the Future”. Gainesville / Florida: 17.01.2016.

2015. „Die Afro-Brasilianische Religion Candomblé in Bahia – Performative Transformation Individueller, Sozialer & Nationaler Zugehörigkeit“. DGV-Tagung 2015: “Krisen. Re-Formation von Leben, Macht & Welt”. Marburg: 03.10.2015.

2014. „‘Depressão não é uma Doença – é um Problema Spiritual.’ (‘Depression ain’t a Disease – it’s a Spiritual Problem.’). Performance & Hybridity of Religious and Scientific Therapy Practice in Brazilian Spiritism”. 27th Annual Conference of AGEM: “Global Mental Health: Mental Health in Africa, Asia and Latin America from Anthropological and Cultural Psychiatric Points of View”. Heidelberg: 26.06.2014.

2012. „Spiritism and Psychiatry in Brazil: Practices and Discourses in the Field of Religious and Scientific Hybridization“. 15th Anniversary Conference of the Work Group Medical Anthropology of the German Anthropological Association: “Interstices in Defining and Shifting Diagnostic Notions in Psychiatry and Beyond”. Wien: 30.11.2012.