May 2004 / Berlin

Workshop: “Applied Medical Anthropology – What happens beyond the Ivory Tower?”


Part I: Input

Preparation commitee* Definition and history of the subject.

Bernhard Hadolt Determining factors of an Applied Medical Anthropology and their consequences for the roles of anthropologists in health care programs.

Hansjörg Dilger The Suffering Stranger: Medical Anthropology and International Morality (Paper for discussion: Leslie Butt et al. 2002).

Yvonne Adam /
Magdalena Stülb
Exercise from the context of inter-cultural learning.
Part II: Work groups
1. (Medical) anthropological topics in different non-academic and interdisciplinary fields of work: How are they accepted and how do Medical anthropologists deal with them?

2. Job market orientation: Which competences does one have to have and how can one learn them?

3. Research – teaching – project work: What would a network of Applied Medical Anthropology look like?
Part III: Consolidation

Presentation of the results from the work groups and discussion about further perspectives
Recommended literature for preparation

  • Antweiler, Christoph. 1998. Ethnologie als gesellschaftlich relevante Humanwissenschaft. Eine Systematisierung praxisorientierter Richtungen und eine Position. In: Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 123: 215-255.
  • Butt, Leslie. 2002. The Suffering Stranger: Medical Anthropology and International Morality, Medical Anthropology 21:1-24. [mit Antwort von Alec Irwin, Joyce Millen, Jim Kim, John Gershman, Brooke G. Schoepf, und Paul Farmer, sowie Erwiderung von Butt in der gleichen Ausgabe].
  • Nichter, Mark 1991: Preface. In Hill, Carole E. (ed.): Training manual in applied medical anthropology. S.1-13.
* The preparation commitee consists of: Yvonne Adam, Vera Kalitzkus, Magdalena Stülb und Hansjörg Dilger.