AG Medical Anthropology

Rutert, Britta



12/2008 – 09/2013   Research Associate Freie Universität Berlin,
Institut für Sozial und Kulturanthropologie
DFG-Project: “Bioprospection in the Africa Renaissance: From Muthi to Intellectual Property Rights“


Fieldwork in South Africa

01/2009-02/2010 und 11/2011/06/2012 (19 Monate)



04/1998 – 04/2004: Magister in Ethnologie/Psychologie/Erziehungswissenschaften an der
Universität Heidelberg

10/1999 – 07/2000: Psychologie, Erasmus-Stipendium: University of Exeter


Vorherige wissenschaftliche Stellen

2001 – 2003:           Research Assistant
Institut für Tropenhygiene, Universität Heidelberg
1. Koordination/Planung des Kurs: „Gesundheitsversorgung in Entwicklungsländern“
2. „Doctoral programme“

01/2003 – 06/2003   Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft
South Asia Institute, Universität heidelberg
Prof. W. Sax

2001 – 2003:           6 Semester Tutorium:
„Einführung in die Ethnologie“,
„Politische und Wirtschaftsethnologie“
„Linguistische Ethnologie“

1999                      Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft, Institut für Erziehungswissenschaften, Universität Heidelberg


Sonstige Positionen

01/2007 – 1/2008:    Project Assistent
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Ref.431 „Entwicklungsländerbezogene
Aufbaustudiengänge“ und Ref.413 „Afrika/ Subsahara“

01/2005 – 02/2006:  Lecturer/ Project Assistant
German Development Service (DED)
„HIV/AIDS, Health and Life Skills“
Lesotho College of Education (LCE), Maseru, Lesotho

08/2004 – 12/2004:  Project Assistent
im GTZ/ Epos Health Consultant Projekt
„Aids-Bekämpfung in Entwicklungsländern“ in Berlin



Bioprospektion; Traditionales Heilen und Wissen; Medizinalpflanzen; Science and Technology Studies; Eigentumsrechte; Legal Anthropology






Zeitschriftenartikel (peer-reviewed)

2012. „Bioprospektion als ‚Markt der Möglichkeiten‘? Von Hoffnung, Handlung und Realität im Post-Apartheid Südafrika“. Curare Sonderheft, 35 1+2.


2013. (gemeinsam mit Cochiaro, G.) „Traditional Knowledge Common Pools: The Story of the Kukula Traditional Health Practitioners of Bushbuckridge, Kruger to Canyons (K2C) Biosphere Reserve, South Africa“. In: Kamu, C. und G. Winter (eds.): Common Pools of Genetic Resources: Equity and Innovation in International Biodiversity Law. London/New York: Routledge.

2013. (gemeinsam mit Cochiaro, G. & Maister, B. & Lorenz, J. ) „Consideration of a Legal ‚Trust‘ Model for the Kukula Healers‘ TK Commons in South Africa“. Publication Open African Innvoation Research (Open AIR). Ausstehend Ende 2013.


2000. „Assessment on the Situation of Mother Groups in Kavre District“. Publication for Unicef Health, Kathmandu.

2011. (gemeinsam mit Dilger, H. und Matsabisa, M.G.) „Bioprospecting in the South Africa: Opportunities and Challenges in the Global Knowledge Economy“. Article for the Working Paper Series of the Centre of Area Studies, Free University Berlin,



2010. „Bioprospektion in Südafrika: Neue Hoffnungen, alte Probleme?“ Workshop der AG Medical Anthropology, Berlin 18. – 20.6.2010.

2010. „Bioprospecting in South Africa: New Hopes, old Troubles“. 11th European Association of Social Anthropologists, Biennial Conference Maynooth, Irland, 24.-27. August 2010.

2010. „Making Science Public? On Plants, Products and Participation in the African Renaissance“. Workshop at the British Institute of East Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, 22-24 September 2010, „Public Understanding of Science in Africa“.

2010. „Bioprospecting in South Africa: from mere economy to „passionate interest?“ Contested Ecologies Writing Workshop, University of Cape Town, Department of Anthropology, 13. -15. Oktober 2010.

2010. „Politics behind: Bioprospecting in South Africa, New perspectives, old Burdens“. Presentation at AG Medical Anthropology, University of Heidelberg.

2010. „Is Bioprospecting still ‚Bio‘? Challenges for Bioprospecting in South Africa in the Post-Apartheid Era“. American Anthropological Association, Annual Meeting, 17.- 21. November 2010, New Orleans.

2010. „Bioprospecting in South Africa. New hopes, old troubles“. Irmgard Coninx Stiftung Round Table „Health Politics in an Interconnected World“, Berlin, 2. – 5. Dezember 2010.

2011. „Traditionelle Pflanzenmedizin in Südafrika: Fakten, Facetten, Formen“. 100 Jahre Uzara-Feier, Leipziger Zoo.

2011. „Is there still life left? On the social life of a molecule“. 2nd Annual Meeting: Medical Anthropology Young Scholars of EASA, Warschau, 15. -17. Juni.

2012. „The Kakula Traditional Health Practitioners Association and its Traditional Knowledge (TK) Commons, South Africa“. Presentation, Open AIR (African Innovation Research) Interim Workshop, Nairobi 26.-29.2012.

2012. „On knowledge and value: biocultural protocols as a means of cultural security in times of (economic) uncertainty“. Presentation: EASA, European Association of Social Anthropologists, Biennial Conference, Paris, 9.-13.9.2012.

2012. „Beyond the Limits of Law: Challenges and Opportunities of a Traditional Knowledge Commons for the Intellectual Property Rights Debate“. In: South Africa Anthropological Association, Annual Meeting, San Fransisco, USA 12.06.2013.

2013. „Engaging encounters: The reconstitution of ‚traditional healing‘ in the post-Apartheid South African discourse on ‚indigenous rights‘ – a case study“, EASA/AAA Joint Conference, Tarragona, Spain, 12.-14-06.2013.